viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Foto: Rushers! How awesome is your country!? Make a video on Instagram, Vine or YouTube that shows off your pride and use the hashtag #WeAreWorldwide! Don't forget to use "Worldwide" in the background of your videos! 

We'll be sharing and liking our favorite posts all week!Rushers la página oficial de Facebook de Big Time Rush publico esto hace unos días: 

Rushers! How awesome is your country!? Make a video on Instagram, Vine or YouTube that shows off your pride and use the hashtag #WeAreWorldwide! Don't forget to use "Worldwide" in the background of your videos! 

We'll be sharing and liking our favorite posts all week!


"¡Rushers! ¿Qué tan asombroso es tu país? Haz un vídeo en instagram, vine o youtube que muestre tu orgullo y usa el hashtag #WeAreWorldwide. No olvides usar "Worldwide" en el fondo de tus vídeos"

Vamos, compartiremos y le daremos a me gusta a nuestros posts favoritos durante toda la semana!

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